Site last updated on: 29-Nov-24
Earlston Golf Club
1. The name of the club, formerly known as "EARLSTON GOLF CLUB" shall be called "EARLSTON GOLF CLUB SOCIETY", hereafter called "THE SOCIETY".
2. The object of "THE SOCIETY" shall be to promote the game of golf amongst residents, both previous and current, within the Parish of Earlston, in accordance with the current Rules of Golf, as approved by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, Scotland.
3. Membership of "THE SOCIETY" shall be available to residents, both previous and current, within the Parish of Earlston, at the discretion of the Committee. A subscription fee shall be fixed annually by the Committee. Associate Membership shall be available to non-residents of the Parish of Earlston, at the discretion of the Committee. A subscription fee shall be fixed by the Committee.
4. The Committee of "THE SOCIETY" shall consist of the following office bearers: CAPTAIN, VICE-CAPTAIN, TREASURER, SECRETARY, MATCH SECRETARY and a minimum of two members. Committee members may be "co-opted" at any time during the year, but must stand for re-election at the following Annual General Meeting. An Honorary President may be appointed by the Committee. Honorary Vice-Presidents may be appointed by the Committee in recognition of exceptional service to "THE SOCIETY". The Committee shall be appointed in a democratic manner at the Annual General Meeting of "THE SOCIETY".
5. The agenda of each Annual General Meeting, and any other Committee Meeting shall be minuted by the Secretary. The subsequent minutes shall be adopted and seconded by members in a position to do so.
6. Authorised signatories shall be the Treasurer and one other office bearer of "THE SOCIETY". The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies due to and by "THE SOCIETY", and shall prepare an account thereof to be laid before the members at the Annual General Meeting of "THE SOCIETY".
7. Amendments to the Constitution shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting of "THE SOCIETY", provided notice of such amendments be made to the Secretary, in writing, at least one calendar month prior to the posted meeting. In an emergency the Committee may call a "Special General Meeting".
8. A Handicap Committee shall be set up consisting of three members, who have the knowledge and skills required, to efficiently perform the handicap rating system. The Handicap Committee shall inform all Committee members of the systems employed in assessing handicaps. Any appeal from a member shall be considered if made in writing and addressed to: "The Handicap Committee of EARLSTON GOLF CLUB SOCIETY".
9. In all competitions "THE SOCIETY" shall adhere to the current Rules of Golf as approved by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, Scotland. In addition "THE SOCIETY" may post temporary competition rules prior to any specific Tournament. Amendments to the rules may be made at any Committee meeting, but must be relayed to all members affected.
10. The Committee has the right to expel from "THE SOCIETY" any member infringing or attempting to infringe any of "THE SOCIETY" rules, or acting in any way detrimental to "THE SOCIETY" or to The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, Scotland.